
Monday, September 29, 2014

Study Reveals that a Trip to the Library Feels the same as a $2,282 pay raise. | Mapachili

A recent study commissioned in the UK has revealed that a trip to the library gives the same stimulational effect as a pay raise – a £1,359 ($ 2,282) raise, to be exact. The study, published by Daniel Fujiwara, Laura Kudrna, and Paul Dolan states that A significant association was “found between frequent library use  and reported wellbeing. Using libraries frequently was valued at £1,359 per person per year for library users, or £113 per person per month.”
The study also reveals that participation in the arts and activity in sport have similar effects.
“We identify statistically significant associations between cultural and sport engagement and individual wellbeing and a range of other social impacts. Holistic consideration of all identified impacts will help to build a broad narrative on the social impacts of culture and sport,” the authors go on to state.
Few would object to such a revelation. When one walks into a good library, it tends to reveal endless possibilities of depths to explore. Who hasn’t entered a library empty handed and then exited with upwards of 20 books?
It is certainly not a political issue. Libraries add significant value to many lives. Here’s to years of studying and infinite resources for the avid learner.

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