Apply Yourself
20/02/2013 § 17 Comments
“Library Automation 6″ by quisnovus via Flickr under CC.
Apply Yourself
20/02/2013 § 17 Comments
When I tell people what I am doing
in Florence, Italy for a year, I am invariably asked one question: “How
did you land such a position?!” To which I smile broadly, often chuckle
a little and answer simply and honestly: “I applied.” This, my LIS,
MLIS and MSIT friends is one of my best hacks for library school and
“Library Automation 6″ by quisnovus via Flickr under CC.
You have to show up. For most positions and roles that you want to land, that means tossing your hat in the ring with an application.
If you have been following HLS’s new series “So What Do You Do?” you have heard about a number of great internships and programs to round out your LIS education. In none of them (at least so far) does the hacker say: well I was just standing around on a street corner and someone said “come do this thing.” Whether it be getting into library school, volunteering, taking a leadership position in the club which eventually leads to the internship which then leads to a job with your dream organization… all the steps start with some sort of applying yourself — even if it is as simple as showing up. Read article...
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