5 Things That People Don’t Realize their Librarians Do
people still have the stereotypical image of a librarian stuck in their
head: an older kind of frumpy woman wearing glasses on a chain, her
hair up in a bun, shushing people with one hand while stamping books
with the other. Many of my Jr. High classmates predicted that I was
going to be a librarian because I liked to read, and, during those
years, I was very quiet and wore glasses. I still love to read and
always have something to read, but since I’m much more comfortable with
myself, I don’t know if people would still say that I look like a
librarian. Ironically, I did become a librarian, but for completely
different reasons (part of it is the sheer variety involved in the
As a librarian, we help to teach people how to become self-sufficient
on the computer, find the answer to patron’s questions (no offense
Google, but while you may come back with a million answers, we
librarians come back with the right
answer), develop graphic designs for advertisement, act as a social
media managers, handle reader’s advisory, teach information literacy
classes, act as storytellers, and teach children, to name just a few of
our duties. We wear many many caps. Read more....
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