Academic cybrarian, bibliophile & culturista. Mentor to library school (LIS) students and graduates. Advocate for all libraries and their users. [Fmr. Organizer, NY Librarians Meetup]
this episode we hear from twenty-five-year-old Amelia des Moulins, a
French dressmaker and immigrant living in New York City. Amelia came to
the U.S. in 1899. Amelia talks about life in Paris before coming to the
U.S., the fashion industry in Paris and New York, and her hard work to
be a success in a new country. Her story was collected as part of an
anthology published in 1906, titled, The Life Stories of Undistinguished Americans. The anthology was edited by Hamilton Holt, editor and publisher of the liberal weekly The Independent and later president of Rollins College.
In the 1960s, the Navajo Culture Center of
the Office of Navajo Economic Opportunity (ONEO) turned to technology
to preserve the oral histories of the Navajo people. Over the course of
the next decade, the center recorded thousands of hours of oral
histories, logging stories, songs and details about life as experienced
by many Navajo elders. But while the preservation effort
documented priceless details for generations to come, keeping the
stories safe is harder—and more expensive—than it sounds.
Santa left a new Kindle, iPad, Kindle Fire or
other media player under your tree. He did his job. Now we’ll do ours.
We’ll tell you how to fill those devices with free intelligent media —
great books, movies, courses, and all of the rest. And if you didn’t get
a new gadget, fear not. You can access all of these materials right on a
computer. Here we go:
Free eBooks: You have always wanted to read the great works. And now is your chance. When you dive into our Free eBooks collection
you will find 800 great works by some classic writers (Dickens,
Dostoevsky, Austen, Shakespeare and Tolstoy) and contemporary writers
(Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, and Kurt Vonnegut). The collection also
gives you access to the 51-volume Harvard Classics.
Public libraries | Library Design | Library Trends | Technology in Libraries
In Aarhus, Dokk1 merges old and new concepts of how a public place for learning should function.
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
It’s hard not feel as if you’ve just visited the library of the future after spending a day at Dokk1. In a formerly industrial part of Aarhus, egg chairs are now sprinkled around the periphery of the massive new “hybrid library.” There, a three-ton tubular bell called The Gong echoes through every
time a child is born at the local hospital. Outside, a ferry to
Copenhagen comes and goes from the harbor while kids and adults play
across a field with teeter-totters, a tire swing, and a huge slide in
the shape of an eagle.
Opened in 2015, Dokk1 is more than Scandinavia’s
largest library—it’s a community hub that meets the changing needs of
Denmark’s second largest city. Last summer, Dokk1 was named the Public
Library of the Year by the International Federation of Library
Associations and Institutions (IFLA). As the notion that libraries
simply serve as a home for books dissolves, Dokk1 merges old and new
concepts of what a library should be.
The internet stole the monopoly on knowledge but it can’t recreate a sense of place. Revival is possible
‘The library must rediscover its specialness. This must lie in
exploiting the strength of the post-digital age, the ‘age of live’.’
Illustration: Ellie Foreman
libraries have had another bad year. They are like churches and local
railways. People like having them around, and are angry if they close.
But as for using them, well, there is so little time these days.
The admirable children’s laureate (and cartoonist) Chris Riddell said during the latest campaign
for libraries in November that, “if nurtured by government, they have
the ability to transform lives. We must all raise our voices to defend
But what sort of library are we defending? I’m not sure the fault in
this lies with that easy target, the government, nor even in the
once-gloomy fate of the book. Last week I was in my excellent local
library and it was near empty. The adjacent Waterstones was bursting at
the seams. I know it was Christmas, but something tells me there is a
problem with libraries, not with books. When an institution needs a
luvvie-march to survive, it looks doomed.
I was a library addict
USA TODAY NETWORKRamon Padilla, Adam Shapourian, Nicole Vas, Berna Elibuyuk and Mary Bowerman9:48 a.m. EDT April 21, 2016
As people become more reliant on devices and less likely to crack open a paperback, libraries have been forced to adapt.
Most modern libraries offer e-book and e-magazines, plus movies on DVD and other digital items. But did you know that many also provide such services as free Wi-Fi, used bookstores, and even unique items borrowing.
Coming off of National Library Week, here's a look at eight things you might not know about your local library: Read article:
E-book devices like the Kindle and Nook have already changed the
industry of publishing in their relatively short lives. Much as the iPod
did with music, now authors can self-publish right from their laptops
and readers can carry with them every book they own in something about
the size and weight of a paperback.
But while the e-book readers might seem good, uh, on paper, you might
consider continuing to read print books for the foreseeable future.
Science has given us several reasons
why the health and wellness benefits of reading printed material
outweigh the convenience and affordability of their digital brethren.
Bibliotherapists recommend tomes they think can help what ails you; finding calm in ‘The Old Man and the Sea’
Sarah Sloat
Dutch novelist Mano Bouzamour at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Sarah Sloat
FRANKFURT—Depressed? Over-the-counter remedies abound, though some are hard to swallow. The 272-page “City of Thieves” by David Benioff, for example.
It is one palliative prescribed by Mano Bouzamour
at the recent Frankfurt Book Fair, where he sat at a desk sporting a
white doctor’s coat and stethoscope. The Dutch novelist, who has no
medical license, was serving as a “book doctor.” After brief
consultations with people who lined up in the cold drizzle outside a
pop-up clinic, he pulled out a prescription pad and scribbled titles to
alleviate readers’ woes.
The idea that libraries are neutral spaces has been well and disabused over the last few years.
From the services we offer to the collections that we curate, the
decisions that libraries and librarians make are political ones that
reflect values. Sometimes those are the values of the organization,
sometimes the values of the individuals, and sometimes they are the
values of the communities that the library serves. Those values are
illustrated by our technologies, our ontologies, and our descriptors.
Those who attempt to hold that “neutrality” of information access is an
ideal for which to strive have had a hard time holding to that stance as
increasing numbers of librarians question and deconstruct our
profession. I would like to suggest something even stronger…that even if
it were possible for libraries to be neutral spaces, that to create
such a space would be morally questionable, and potentially actively
morally wrong. I say this as someone who firmly
believes in the maxim of combating bad speech with more speech. I am not
here advocating controls or restrictions on speech. But it is not the
responsibility of every library to collect and distribute literature of
hate, or falsehoods, or lies. Some libraries do need to collect
everything, the good and the bad, for archival and historical study
purposes, but those libraries are fairly obviously identified in
practice and the vast majority of libraries should and could take a
stand with their actions, programs, policies, and collections to be on
the side of justice and scientific fact. Neutrality favors the powerful, and further marginalizes the marginalized. In
the face of the current political climate, with the use of opinions as
bludgeons and disinformation as the weapon of choice for manipulation
and intellectual coercion, it is up to those who value fact and believe
in the care of those in need to stand up and positively affirm that to
do otherwise is evil. Read article
In this
scorched-earth op-ed, Lauren Duca takes on Trump's systematic attempts
to destabilize the truth and weaken the foundation of American freedom.
Dec 10, 2016
CIA officially determined that Russia intervened in our election, and
President-elect Donald Trump dismissed the story as if it were a piece
of fake news. "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had
weapons of mass destruction," his transition team wrote in a statement.
"The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral
College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America
Great Again'." It
wasn't one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history, so
presumably that's another red-herring lie to distract from Trump
treating the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States
like it is some rogue blogger to be cast to the trolls. A foreign
government's interference in our election is a threat to our freedom,
and the President-elect's attempt to undermine the American people's
access to that information undermines the very foundation upon which
this country was built. It's also nothing new. Trump
won the Presidency by gas light. His rise to power has awakened a force
of bigotry by condoning and encouraging hatred, but also by normalizing
deception. Civil rights are now on trial, though before we can fight to
reassert the march toward equality, we must regain control of the
truth. If that seems melodramatic, I would encourage you to dump a
bucket of ice over your head while listening to “Duel of the Fates."
Donald Trump is our President now; it’s time to wake up.
This compilation of reading assigned to students everywhere will expand your horizons — and your bookshelves.
In the US, most students are required to read To Kill a Mockingbird
during their school years. This classic novel combines a
moving coming-of-age story with big issues like racism and criminal
injustice. Reading Mockingbird is such an integral part of the
American educational experience that we wondered: What classic books are
assigned to students elsewhere?
We posed this question to our TED-Ed Innovative Educators and members
of the TED-Ed community. People all over the globe responded, and we
curated our list to focus on local authors.
Many respondents made it
clear in their countries, as in the US, few books are absolutely
mandatory. Take a look at what students in countries from Ireland to
Iran, Ghana to Germany, are asked to read and why:
The marble lions (named Patience and Fortitude) outside of the New York Public Library weren't always popular.
(Credit: Getty Images )
By Melissa Kravitz and Meghan Giannotta
Walk up the steps at
42nd Street and Fifth Avenue, past Patience and Fortitude, the iconic
Library Lions, and enter the main branch of the New York Public Library.
While the NYPL has branches throughout Manhattan, the Bronx and
Staten Island, its iconic Beaux-Arts building in midtown is perhaps the
library's most famous spot.
Free to enter and explore, this often-overlooked museum has plenty of
historical artifacts, notable artwork and countless information.
Did the holocaust happen? Google search for Carole Cadwalladr
Photograph: Google
the Holocaust really happen? No. The Holocaust did not really happen.
Six million Jews did not die. It is a Jewish conspiracy theory spread by
vested interests to obscure the truth. The truth is that there is no
evidence any people were gassed in any camp. The Holocaust did not
Are you happy with that answer? Happy that if you have
children, this is what they’re being exposed to? That all across America
and France and Hungary and Holland and Britain, when people ask that
question, this is what they are clicking on and reading and absorbing?
No? Well, then, we really, really need to talk about Google. Right now.
Because these are the “facts” of what happened according to the number
one source of information to the entire planet. Type this into your
Google search bar: “did the hol”. And Google suggests you search for this: “Did the Holocaust happen?” Read more...
Archives & Special Collections | Digital Humanities
December 7, 2016 | Tim Chambers
military seized her photographs, quietly depositing them in the
National Archives, where they remained mostly unseen and unpublished
until 2006
Dorothea Lange—well-known for her FSA photographs like Migrant Mother—was
hired by the U.S. government to make a photographic record of the
“evacuation” and “relocation” of Japanese-Americans in 1942. She was
eager to take the commission, despite being opposed to the effort, as
she believed “a true record of the evacuation would be valuable in the
The military commanders that reviewed her work realized
that Lange’s contrary point of view was evident through her photographs,
and seized them for the duration of World War II, even writing
“Impounded” across some of the prints. The photos were quietly deposited
into the National Archives, where they remained largely unseen until
I’ve also made a limted number of prints of her photos available for sale at Anchor Editions, and I’m donating 50% of the proceeds to the ACLU—they were there during WWII handling the two principle Supreme Court cases,
fighting against the government’s mass incarceration of
Japanese-Americans—and they have pledged to continue to fight against
further unconstitutional civil rights violations. Their fight seems
especially important today given the current tide of anti-Muslim
rhetoric, and talk of national registries and reactionary immigration
“A photographic record could protect against false
allegations of mistreatment and violations of international law, but it
carried the risk, of course, of documenting actual mistreatment.”
— Linda Gordon, Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment Read more...
NEWS ANALYSIS: Enraged by fake news story, a man fires a rifle
three time into a pizza restaurant in the U.S. capital, bringing urgency
to efforts to find ways to rein in false rumor stories circulating on
the internet.
WASHINGTON—It was an event that many of us in the news
business have feared would happen: A deranged gunman, fueled by passion
based on a series of fake news stories, came to the nation's capital
with an assault rifle, entered a place of business and fired.
The gunman, Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, was
quickly arrested after shooting into the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria three
times. He told police after he was arrested that he came to Washington
to investigate reports of a child sex-trafficking ring being run out of
the pizzeria by Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta.
The fake news about Comet Ping Pong had been circulating on social media
since before the election, with increasingly shrill stories seemingly
attributed to reliable media sources. The stories got so far out of
control that one site, Reddit, banned any discussion of what had become
known as "pizzagate" from its forums.
But that wasn't the only incident based on this fake news story.Read more...
many librarians who always dreamed of standing behind a counter and
stamping books, I came to the profession by accident. When I left
university with a humanities degree in the 1970s, I had no clue about
what I wanted to do with my state-funded higher education. I applied for
a job as a gas meter reader which seemed suitable for a working-class
lad from a council estate, but at the interview I was told that I was
over-qualified and so I became a library assistant instead.
I quickly discovered that there wasn’t much to the library
lark, but that if I wanted to get on I would have to become a fully
qualified librarian.
Armed with my diploma and a burning social conscience, I set out to
change the world of public libraries. Nearly 40 years on I have made the
smallest of dents in its battleship armour. But on the way I have made
met some amazing people.
(CNN)Just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true. It seems so simple, but if everyone knew that, Facebook and Google wouldn't have to pull bogus news sites from their advertising algorithms
and people wouldn't breathlessly share stories that claim Donald Trump
is a secret lizard person or Hillary Clinton is an android in a
It doesn't have to be this way. Fake news is actually really easy to spot -- if you know how. Consider this your New Media Literacy Guide.
NOTE: As we put this together, we sought the input of two communications experts: Dr. Melissa Zimdars, an associate professor at Merrimack College in Massachusetts whose dynamic list of unreliable news siteshas gone viral, and Alexios Mantzarlis, the head of the International Fact-Checking Network at the Poynter Institute.
First, know the different types of misleading and false news
1. Fake news
are the easiest to debunk and often come from known sham sites that are
designed to look like real news outlets. They may include misleading
photographs and headlines that, at first read, sound like they could be
real. 2. Misleading news
These are the
hardest to debunk, because they often contain a kernel of truth: A fact,
event or quote that has been taken out of context. Look for sensational
headlines that aren't supported by the information in the article. 3. Highly partisan news
A type of misleading news, this may be an interpretation of a real news event where the facts are manipulated to fit an agenda. 4. Clickbait
shocking or teasing headlines of these stories trick you into clicking
for more information -- which may or may not live up to what was
promised. 5. Satire
This one is tough,
because satire doesn't pretend to be real and serves a purpose as
commentary or entertainment. But if people are not familiar with a
satire site, they can share the news as if it is legitimate. Read more...
Carla Hayden and Tony Marx in conversation at NYPL Photo credit: Chasi Annexy/The New York Public Library
On Halloween night, Friends and trustees of New York Public Library
(NYPL) got a treat that didn’t require a costume: Librarian of Congress
Carla Hayden and NYPL President Tony Marx sat down together for a lively
hour-long discussion of research, preservation, digitization, Hayden’s
plans for the Library of Congress (LC), and the influence of Hamilton.
The conversation was the first in a series of public programs over the
next year highlighting the importance of archival research.
The event was held as part of the celebration of the reopening of the
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building’s Rose Main Reading Room and Bill Blass
Public Catalog Room. These had been closed since May 2014, when a
plaster rosette fell from the Reading Room’s 52-foot ceiling in the
middle of the night. After an inspection, the ceiling was deemed
structurally sound, but NYPL decided to err on the side of caution and
reinforce all of the decorative rosettes bordering the ceiling with
steel cables, and at the same time to restore the mural on the ceiling
of the Bill Blass room. The spaces reopened in October 2016 with a
celebratory ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Sitting at the front of the Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III Trustees
Room—hung with what Marx called “incredibly politically incorrect
400-year-old tapestries”—the two bantered briefly and then got down to
business. “Why libraries?” asked Marx.
Hayden described her experiences with public libraries as a young
patron and then a librarian, and her dawning realization of what
sanctuaries they were for their constituents. Plus, she told Marx, “In
the ’70s, when I was a baby librarian, what attracted me was the idea of
information as power.”
Shauna Rose and her son,
Nicholai, 4, visited the children’s section of the Barnes & Noble in
the Bronx on Wednesday. She says they go there every day after school
and read the picture book “I Need My Monster.”Credit
Amir Levy for The New York Times
Every day after school, 4-year-old Nicholai Rose demands that his mother take him first to the park then to the Barnes & Noble
in the Baychester neighborhood of the Bronx. There, they snuggle in a
corner in the children’s section and, each time, read “I Need My
Monster,” his favorite picture book.
a few months their ritual will end — permanently — when the store
closes for good, leaving the Bronx, a borough with nearly 1.5 million
people, without one general-interest bookstore. For residents, the
closing carries a painful sting the borough knows too well, of being
long underserved and overlooked, which persists even as the Bronx is
experiencing a renaissance.
am I going to tell him that the bookstore is going?” said Nicholai’s
mother, Shauna Rose, 29, as she sat in the store on Wednesday, the
monster book on her lap. “And there’s nothing else.”
With 50,000 titles in its inventory, the Barnes & Noble opened in the Bronx in 1999. Two years ago, it nearly closed
after the landlord sought to raise the rent. But it remained open after
a public outcry, and after elected officials stepped in to assist in
the rent negotiations. It has withstood the economic crunch that shut
down smaller bookshops in the borough over the years. While there are a
few bookstores in the Bronx attached to various universities and some
stores that sell religious texts, the Barnes & Noble remains the
last of its kind, until it closes in January, because of a rent
increase. It will replaced by a Saks Off 5th store. Read more...
Bob Dylan performs in Chicago in 1978. He is the first
American to claim the Nobel Prize in Literature since Toni Morrison won
in 1993.
Paul Natkin/Getty Images
Bob Dylan
has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature. In doing so, the prolific
musician became the first American to win the prize in more than two
decades. Not since novelist Toni Morrison won in 1993 has an American
claimed the prize.
Dylan won the prize "for having created new
poetic expressions within the great American song tradition," according
to the citation by the Swedish Academy, the committee that annually
decides the recipient of the Nobel Prize. The academy's permanent
secretary, Sara Danius, announced the news Thursday.
The win comes as something of a shock. As usual, the Swedish
Academy did not announce a shortlist of nominees, leaving the betting
markets to their best guesses. And while Dylan has enjoyed perennial
favor as an outside shot for the award, few expected that the musician
would be the first to break the Americans' long dry spell — not least
because he made his career foremost on the stage, not the printed page. Read more....
The renovated New York Public Library Rose Reading Room / Ryan Fitzgibbon
A group of Instagram photographers got an early look at the Rose Room
It all started with a piece of plaster. On May 30, 2014, a piece of
ceiling fell inside the New York Public Library Rose Reading Room. The
stunning landmark space was forced to close for “about two weeks.” That turned into two years.
Now, the Rose Room is finally ready for its reopening. And the
results are stunning. “I’ve been to the library for events or just to
explore the space prior to the closure of the Rose Main Reading Room,
but it’s clear that the heart and the history of the New York Public
Library stems from this two-city-block-wide study hall,” says Ryan
Fitzgibbon, the founder of Hello Mr. magazine.
Since the 1800s, attitudes about which books are “appropriate” for kids
to read have too often suppressed stories about different cultures and
life experiences. Comstock / Getty
Every year since 1982, an event known as Banned Books Week
has brought attention to literary works frequently challenged by
parents, schools, and libraries. The books in question sometimes feature
scenes of violence or offensive language; sometimes they’re opposed for
religious reasons (as in the case of both Harry Potter and the Bible). But one unfortunate outcome is that 52 percent of
the books challenged or banned in the last 10 years feature so-called
“diverse content”—that is, they explore issues such as race, religion,
gender identity, sexual orientation, mental illness, and disability. As a
result, the organizers of Banned Books Week, which started Sunday,
chose the theme “Celebrating Diversity” for 2016.
Since the
inception of the American children’s literature industry in the 1820s,
publishers have had to grapple with the question of who their primary
audience should be. Do kids’ books cater to parents and adult cultural
gatekeepers, or to young readers themselves? But as books that address
issues of diversity face a growing number of challenges, the related question of which children
both the industry and educators should serve has become more prominent
recently. Who benefits when Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely TrueDiary of Part-Time Indian, which deals with racism, poverty, and disability, is banned for language and “anti-Christian content”? Who’s hurt when Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings’s picture book I Am Jazz, about a transgender girl, is banned?
The history of children’s book publishing in America offers insight
into the ways in which traditional attitudes about “appropriate” stories
often end up marginalizing the lives and experiences of many young
readers, rather than protecting them.
When you research how to donate your books to prisons, the same
phrase comes up over and over again: that books are a lifeline for
As someone who is fortunate enough that most of my experience with the prison system has happened through Netflix, I
took that to mean simply that when you’re in the same small space day
after day, it gets boring. But providing prisoners with books offers so
much more than relief from monotony.
Many who are within a year or two of release use library services to
prepare for re-entry — to get their GED, to improve their vocabularies
and language skills. The recidivism rate in the United States varies,
from 50 percent to as high as 67 percent in some states, and there are
two main reasons for that level of failure: the employment challenge
facing ex-offenders on the outside and the lack of preparation for
re-entry on the inside.
The New York Public Library just spent $23 million to create a
gigantic storage space beneath Bryant Park to stash millions of
books. Our Michael Scotto takes look.
This book is winding its way through the New York Public Library on
a high-tech $2.6 million track system that cuts through 11 levels of
the main library on 5th Avenue.
"This allows us to deliver multiple items versus having to have
someone carry, physically carry it up the building to its delivery
point," Gerry Oliva, who works for the library's department of
facilities management.
The tracks replace an old conveyor belt system that had grown
obsolete. They will soon be shuttling books to the famous reading
room, which will re-open next month after a multimillion-dollar
"This is the circulation system of the largest collection at
the New York Public Library," said Matt Knutzen.